Top Plastic surgery risks

top cosmetic surgery risks

Plastic surgery risks

Although Plastic surgery risks has very low of complications, every type of surgery does have risks and complications can arise especially where anaesthesia is involved, in fact most complications are due to general anaesthetic.

TOP  Plastic surgery risks

  • Abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Obstruction to the airways.
  • Blood clots developing.
  • Brain damage.
  • Heart attack.
  • Death.
  • Malignant hyperthermia.
  • Damage to the nerves.
  • Temporary paralysis.
  • Stroke.

Abnormal heart rhythms risks

abnormal heart rhythms, especially in older patients or those with underlying heart conditions, due to the stress of surgery and anesthesia, potentially requiring careful pre-operative assessment and monitoring.

Obstructed airways risks

Anaesthetic can sometimes cause problems with the airways and this can then lead to the vocal chords going into spasms and can then block the airways.

Blood clots developing risks

Blood clots developing after plastic surgery can be a serious risk, potentially leading to life-threatening complications, such as pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis. Preoperative assessments and preventive measures are crucial to minimize this danger.

Brain damage risks

If blood vessels are depressed at dangerous levels then the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen and brain damage can then occur.

Heart attack risks

Heart attack risks can be influenced by factors like high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, and a family history of heart disease, increasing the likelihood of a cardiac event.

Malignant hyperthermia risks

Although this is very rare it does happen and it occurs when the body temperature, blood pressure and the heart rate all rise to hyperactive levels, it is a condition which can be inherited and if it isn’t recognised early then it can lead to death.

Temporary paralysis risks

This is easily detectable and treatable and can occur if the muscle relaxants haven’t completely worn off after surgery.

Aspiration risks

If you vomit during surgery then the vomit can enter your lungs, it can then cause problems such as mild discomfort, lead to infections; cause a chronic cough and cause an obstruction in the lungs.

Blood loss risks

Excessive blood loss during surgery can cause major complications; during surgery, this will be noticeable by pooling blood or by a drop in the blood pressure. If it occurs after the surgery, it can accumulate under the skin and it might require additional surgery.

Complications typically associated with Plastic surgery

This will usually follow an infection and those who smoke are more at risk from this, the skin will be surgically removed and this may have an effect on the cosmetic outcome.

Slow healing

This can be due to age, failure to follow the doctor or surgeon’s advice or your skin type.

Numbness and tingling

This can either be only temporary or it can be a permanent loss of sensation or tingling and numbness, this results from damage to the sensory or motor nerves.

Dimples, puckers or divots

These can occur due to error made by the surgeon or from healing irregularities or problems during the healing process.


This can usually occur after breasts augmentation, tummy-tucks or liposuction and occurs when fluid collects under the skin.

While there can be complications Plastic surgery is a relatively safe process, figures have shown that:

  • The rate of serious complications is less than half of 1 percent.
  • The mortality rate is very low only one in 57,000 cases.


If you are at all concerned over any type of procedure, you should ask your plastic surgeon to fully explain any risks or complications of that surgery before you commit yourself it. Your surgeon will be happy to talk over any aspect of the surgery including methods used and the type of anaesthesia that will be used for the surgery and complications associated with it.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 2, 2023 at 2:17 PM

    good product

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