Acid Reflux Remedies


Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Remedies

Acid reflux disease, also known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD, is an increasingly common medical condition characterised by digestive acids and other stomach contents moving back up the esophagus, something which is not normally supposed to happen and which ultimately results in several adverse physical symptoms. Among the most common of these symptoms in the early stages of acid reflux is heartburn but as the disease progresses, other symptoms develop such as a bitter taste towards the back of the throat, burning and pain sensations and ultimately injury to the larynx and esophagus.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from acid reflux disease or if you continuously experience any of the abovementioned symptoms, it is advisable to visit your physician for a diagnosis. This is important as, although there are several treatments for acid reflux diagnosis, it is not advisable to treat a condition which you are not certain that you suffer from. Having said this, a lot of the treatments for acid reflux disease are not drug based, but entail making critical changes in lifestyle which are ultimately all connected to proper diet. 

The following are some great remedies for acid reflux.

Proper Diet to figth acid reflux

There are certain foods which exacerbate acid reflux and it is essential to learn what these foods are as a first step to getting relief from your symptoms. Eating smaller meals is also a good idea because bigger meals require more acid to digest. As a general rule, fast foods should be avoided as they are usually high in saturated fats which invariably cause worsening of symptoms.

Lose Weight to figth acid reflux

Weight loss has been identified as being a factor which helps to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux. This is logical considering that most of the foods which cause weight gain, like foods high in sugar and fat, exacerbate the symptoms. It is always a good idea to lose weight naturally and gradually though, don’t try to lose weight rapidly using harmful drugs like diet pills.

Wait Before Lying Down to figth acid reflux

Many sufferers of acid reflux experience a worsening of their symptoms if they lie down immediately following a large meal. The reason for this is that excess acid excreted by the stomach can get to the esophagus much easier when lying down, so it is advisable to wait at least a couple of hours after a meal before you lie down, so you can give your stomach a chance to digest food.

Stop Smoking and Alcohol to figth acid reflux

Stopping smoking and alcohol consumption, or at least moderating alcohol consumption, invariably results in diminishing of the symptoms of acid reflux as these habit have been shown to cause deterioration of the esophageal sphincter, the muscle that creates a barrier between the esophagus and the stomach. Alcohol is also high in sugar which results in excess acid being secreted.

Chewing Gum to figth acid reflux

Saliva is one of the best natural remedies for acid reflux, which is why gum can be quite effective at relieving its symptoms because gum causes an increase in saliva, which when swallowed neutralises acid flowing up the esophagus

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