Benefits of Water for life


Health benefits Water

water is life

Our skeleton is 22% water, our blood is 83 percent water, and our brain cells, all 15 billion of them are mostly water.  Even if we sit around all day long, we lose up to ten cups of water each day by perspiration, and urinating.

Water is the Essence of Life

Water is often called the "elixir of life" for a reason. It is the primary component of our bodies, making up around 60% of our total weight. Every cell, tissue, and organ in our body relies on water to function properly. From digestion to temperature regulation, water is essential for our survival.

To replace the water we lose each day, we need to drink a lot of water for health, stamina, fuel and building muscle. Without enough water and other fluids, we'd die within the week. Water essentially fills every space in our body and helps form the structure of protein and glycogen. Water is also the medium in which all energy reactions take place. For our muscles to move, we need water. Muscle is considered an active tissue and water is found in the highest concentrations in active tissue.

We must to drink at least 7 cups of water a day.  The ideal is to drink between 8 and 12 cups of water a day and even more if we  work out, to replace the fluids we lose during exercise.  We lose about four cups of water per hour of exercise.

Water is a Precious Resource

Beyond its part in mortal health, water is a precious resource that sustains ecosystems and all living brutes on Earth. Unfortunately, numerous regions face water failure, pressing the need for effective water operation and conservation sweats.


Water is the Environmental Impact

Water isn't just important for humans; it's critical for the terrain as well. Submarine ecosystems, from lakes and gutters to abysses, support different factory and beast life. When these ecosystems are healthy, they give essential services like water sanctification and climate regulation.


Water is the Water Crisis

The world is scuffling with a water extremity. Pollution, overuse, and climate change are all contributing to the reduction and impurity of our water sources. This extremity threatens not only our health but also the stability of our ecosystems.


Water Conservation and Responsibility

We all have a part to play in conserving this life- sustaining resource. Conserving water in our diurnal lives, reducing pollution, and supporting programs that cover water sources are ways we can contribute to a further sustainable future.

Beware of the warning signs

Beware of the warning signs of dehydration.  These are, sore throat, dry cough, and a hoarse voice, gold or deep colored urine with a strong odor (the urine should be odorless and clear), muscle cramps, and headache.

During hot summer months, we need to drink plenty of extra water, as our body uses perspiration to cool our body and keep its temperature within safe ranges. Talking about dry, winter months beat the summer months by far when it comes to dryness. Chapped lips, dry skin and static electricity, it all happens during the winter because the moisture levels and humidity are almost at rock bottom.  So drink plenty of water.

in conclusion

Water for life is not just a slogan.  It's essential for life.  We need to drink lots of water to keep our urinary tract healthy, flushing out toxins and carcinogens.  

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