how can i keep my brain healthy

illustration brain HEALTH

how can i keep my brain healthy

Our brain is a very complex organ, and it needs all the help we can give it. So give it brain teasers foods. The human brain contains something like 20 billion cells in nonstop action that enables us to think, visualize, make decisions, calculate, solve problems, make estimations, etc.

To keep your brain healthy, prioritize regular exercise and a balanced diet rich in brain-boosting nutrients, and engage in mental stimulation through activities like reading, puzzles, and social interactions.

Exceptional brain teasers

Exceptional brain teasers are fresh foods rich in fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. Include these in your diet and you’ll be helping your body combat serious illnesses that can affect your memory. Poor nutrition will put you at greater risk for memory problems. Our memory is also affected by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules your body makes as it uses oxygen. They travel around your body damaging cells and making you more likely to fall victim to memory loss. Antioxidants, substances in certain foods, get rid of free radicals. The best sources of antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and flavonoids.

Vitamin C for brain healthy

To increase your intake of vitamin C, eat the Camu-Camu berry, Vitamin C champion of the world, and Acerola, just one cup of this tiny fruit has nearly 30 times the recommended dietary allowance. For Vitamin E, look for Olive oil. All together, they can fix free radical damage done in the past, as well as prevent damage in the future.

antioxidants for brain healthy

To build an arsenal of antioxidants, eat watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, prunes, Brussels sprouts, and kale. They’re like computer memory board repairmen for our brain. Watermelons are huge brain teasers. Folate, thiamine, B6, B2, B12 are the most important ingredients in many of your brain chemicals. For Folate eat spinach, beets, avocados, asparagus, and other vegetables. For B12; low-fat cheeses, meat, milk products, fish, and poultry. For B6 and thiamine; eat potatoes, beans, and watermelon. Other Vitamin B6 sources are poultry, pork, fish, eggs oats, whole grains, bananas, nuts and seeds.

red and Green foods for brain healthy

Eat also plenty of red foods. Red foods stimulate, strengthen and increase our body temperature, circulation, and release of adrenaline, increasing our energy. Red foods such as watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, red pepper, cherry, pomegranate, red cabbage, radishes, red cabbage. Physically, red foods affect your muscular system. They also affect your adrenal glands, organs, bladder, lower limbs, your spine and reproductive center, making them ideal in combating fatigue, fever, colds, flu's, etc. Psychologically, red foods ease depression, promoting a positive attitude.

Remember balancing your foods. Balance red food with green food. Green food, associated with the heart, soothes the heart and nerves, along with lowering blood pressure. Green and red foods work together in harmony to balance each other out.

B2 for brain healthy

For B2 eat riboflavin-enriched breads and cereals, red meats, green, leafy vegetables, dairy products. Another very important food for your brain: potato. Potatoes are excellent brain teasers. Potatoes, native to the Andes in Peru, are likewise high in carbohydrates, brain food. Eat a potato in the morning, and you'll think better all day long,

Watermelon for brain healthy

Watermelon is a healthy food low in calories and huge doses of vitamin A and C, potassium, and the antioxidant lycopene, beating out fresh tomatoes and all other fresh fruits or vegetables. Watermelon also protects the prostate. Lycopene fights cholesterol, and potassium, a mineral, fights high blood pressure and stroke. And since watermelon is an astonishing 92 percent water, substitute dessert with a slice of watermelon. One slice has only one gram of fat, great for weight watchers. Remember balancing your foods. Balance red food with green food. Green food, associated with the heart, soothes the heart and nerves, along with lowering blood pressure. Green and red foods work together in harmony to balance each other out.

Monounsaturated fatty acids for brain healthy

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are “good” fat molecules that appear to buffer our brain against memory loss. Our brain, made up of fat, needs more fatty acids to patch itself up as we age. We can find MUFAs in almost any oil, but olive oil contains vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants, as well as no cholesterol and no “bad” saturated fats.

iron for brain healthy

Feel sluggish? It could mean you are iron deficient. Besides a sluggish mind, other symptoms include pale skin, and depression. Meats are the prime source of this mineral, but legumes and green leafy vegetables work as well. Top these foods with a rich source of vitamin C like lemon juice, which helps your body absorb the iron from plant sources.

Yellow foods for brain healthy

Yellow foods stimulate our nervous and digestive systems. They have a extreme positive effect on focus and concentration. They are directly related to our pancreas, liver, gall bladder and stomach. They cleanse our liver and intestines making them ideal in helping skin troubles, indigestion, constipation, liver troubles and diabetes. Try to avoid soy sauce and soy oil. Soy can make your brain age faster, creating serious problems with memory loss in later years.

Omega for brain healthy

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats balanced ratios are necessary for your body to function at top efficiency. Omega- 3, found mostly in fatty fish, but to avoid feeling like you live in the ocean, you can also find high concentrations of Omega-3 in the herb, "Flax". Use flaxseed oil on your salads. Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly known as fish oil, help prevent heart disease. But Omega-3 deficiency is key to memory loss, depression, and learning problems. High amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids may ease digestive distress, hinder cancerous tumors, help prevent Alzheimer’s, and relieve pain and inflammation. Cut down on Omega-6 fats by avoiding fried foods. Use flaxseed oil to chase away arthritis pain, lower your blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels and lower the harmful Omega-6 fat in your blood stream and also calm your mind.

Vitamin for brain healthy

Vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine, helps brain function and the body to convert protein to energy. Vitamin B6 works with folic acid and B12 to reduce levels of homocysteine (an amino acid) in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels can increase your risk of heart attack. Sources of Vitamin B6 are Poultry, Pork, Fish, Eggs Oats, whole grains, bananas, nuts and seeds.

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