Olive oil benefits



olive oil benefits

Olive oil, one of the great source of vitamin E may be especially effective in preventing both breast cancer and osteoporosis.

Health benefits of olive oil:

The olive tree is an ancient giver of life. Leaves from a stand of Greek olive trees date back to 40 thousand years B.C. Olive trees can live from one hundred to thousands of years. Nutritionally, olive oil contains 120 calories and 14 grams of fat per tablespoon; however, the fat is mostly monounsaturated, which has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels and is easily digested. In countries where olive oil plays an important role in diets, such as Greece, Italy and Spain, there is a low incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

Antioxidants, Cholesterol, and Disease Prevention

Olive oil is very high in the antioxidant vitamin A and vitamin E, which neutralize cancer-causing free radicals in your body. It is monounsaturated; therefore it lowers the “bad” LDL cholesterol without reducing the “good” HDL cholesterol. This results in improved circulation, lowered blood pressure and less risk for heart disease. Olive oil may be especially effective in preventing both breast cancer and osteoporosis.

Benefits of Olive Oil in Your Diet

Olive oil is not just tasty; it’s actually good for you, and added to vinegar, your salad will never taste better. To reduce cholesterol levels, aim for at least 15% of your daily calorie intake to be from monounsaturated fatty acids. Whenever possible, use olive oil in place of butter of other vegetable oils in cooking, in preparing dressings for salads or vegetables and in making sandwiches.

Olive Oil: A Multifaceted Elixir for Health and Beauty

The gentle vegetable mucilage found in olive oil additionally safeguards the digestive system within the body. Ancient civilizations used olive oil, as well – to help heal wounds.  Today olive oil is prized as a moisturizer and skin remedy. To treat ear complaints, stopped up ears, put a few drops of lukewarm olive oil in the affected ear and lie for 5 minutes. For hair loss, massage your scalp with olive oil every evening for 8 days. Let the treatment wok overnight; wash out in the morning.

Oleic Acid in Lorenzo's Oil

Oleic acid is in a medicine used to fight a rare degenerative disease known as ALD or Adrenoleukodystrophy, which occurs when a build-up of very long-chain fatty acids destroys the white matter in the brain. Made with twenty percent erucic acid and eighty percent oleic acid, the medicine is called “Lorenzo’s Oil.

 Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin is the oil from the first pressing; it uses top grade olives, with less than one percent acidity, and has the highest nutritional value and the best taste. It is the only olive oil that it is truly cold pressed.

Don’t be confused by phrases like “cold pressed”, “first pressed”, “expelled pressed” and “mechanically pressed.” The goal is to have as little heat applied as possible, but you might think all cold pressed olive oils would be best, they’re not. Cold pressed oils can be the third or fourth pressing, refined with heat and chemicals. Heat and chemicals strip olive oil of its nutrients and rich, fruity taste. Include in your diet only extra virgin olive oil, which is expressed from only one mechanical non-refined pressing,

Olive oils are extremely diverse. There are 700 cultivated varieties of olives. The oils derived from them can be anywhere from mellow yellow in color, to jade green. The flavor may include hints of peppery spiciness, sweetness, a buttery richness, and nutty undertones. grassy, or it can taste like green apples. An olive oil can be filtered, resulting in a clearer product, or it can be unfiltered, resulting in sedimentation and juicy bits of fruit.

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