Breast lift


Breast lift

Due to many reasons, a woman’s breasts can lose their firmness, elasticity and then they start to sag, the more common reasons why this happens is age, the force of gravity, nursing and pregnancy. The breast lift or mastopexy is cosmetic surgery which can help to raise and lift women’s breasts for a period of time, although nothing can beat the effects gravity have indefinitely.

Sometimes after pregnancy the women’s breasts can lose volume, if this is the case the surgeon might suggest implants along with the mastopexy as a way of increasing size or volume and also firmness.

Who is Breast lift suitable for?

Excellent results are seen in women who have small breasts which have sagged though any size breast can be lifted the results don’t usually last as long in the woman who has larger and heavier breasts. Many women who seek this type of surgery do so after having children and breast-feeding has left them with stretched skin and lack of volume.

It is usually advisable to wait until you have finished child bearing before having the surgery as even though the surgery doesn’t affect breast-feeding or pregnancy, future pregnancies can undo the surgery in that the breasts may droop or lose volume again.

What to expect from the surgery and recovery time

Usually before the Breast lift surgery, the surgeon will ask you to take a mammogram test once this has been done and the surgeon has the results the surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis under general anaesthesia.

The Breast lift surgery will take around one and a half to three hours depending on the amount of work and the technique the surgeon chooses to use. The most common procedure involves making an anchor shaped incision around the underneath of the breast and up to the nipple.

During the Breast lift surgery of mastopexy excess skin will be removed which tightens the breast and the nipple is relocated with the stitches usually being made around the areola. If your surgeon has suggested that you have an implant then this will be inserted directly under the breast tissue in a pocket.

After the Breast lift surgery

After the Breast lift surgery an elastic bandage or special surgical bra must be worn to cover the gauze, the breasts will feel sore and probably will be swollen for a few days after the surgery.

The elastic or surgical bra will be exchanged after a few days for a softer support bra and you will need to wear this bra for 24 hours a day for around four weeks.

Some numbness and tingling may be felt in the breasts and nipples for around six weeks and this is only natural and is caused by the swelling, however a very few women find that this feeling does last longer and for some it is even permanent.

You should feel fit enough to return to work after the first week but you shouldn’t lift anything above your head for about a month after surgery.

In conclusion:

 breast sagging can occur due to various factors such as age, gravity, nursing, and pregnancy. Mastopexy, or breast lift surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that offers a temporary solution to lift and enhance the appearance of a woman's breasts. While the Breast lift surgery can provide excellent results, it is typically more effective for women with smaller breasts that have sagged. Women often consider mastopexy after childbirth and breastfeeding, which can lead to stretched skin and loss of volume.

It's important to note that it's advisable to wait until after childbearing before undergoing this surgery, as future pregnancies can potentially undo the results. The procedure typically involves removing excess skin, repositioning the nipple, and, in some cases, inserting breast implants to restore volume.

The Breast lift surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia and can take between one and a half to three hours, depending on the extent of work required. Recovery involves wearing an elastic bandage or special surgical bra, with some discomfort, swelling, and temporary numbness being common side effects. Most individuals can return to work after a week but should avoid heavy lifting for about a month post-surgery.

While mastopexy can provide a rejuvenated breast appearance, it's essential to have realistic expectations, understanding that the effects of gravity will eventually have an impact. Therefore, individuals considering this surgery should consult with a qualified surgeon and carefully weigh the benefits and potential limitations to make an informed decision.

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