The Balance of Inner and Outer Beauty
The Balance of Inner and Outer Beauty
People can appear
attractive due, to their clothing or the use of cosmetics and plastic surgery.
However it's important to note that internal beauty can be completely absent,
in some individuals. Without beauty external attractiveness loses its
significance to some extent. That's why it is crucial to prioritize the
development of our beauty and maximize its potential before discussing beauty.
But if a person does not have internal beauty, to a sense it will be little
from the external beauty. For this very reason, it is necessary to, first of
all, care about its own internal beauty, to give to this property maximum
potential and only then it is possible to conduct the discussion about the
beauty of external. But if beauty internal and beauty external supplement each
other, in this case, effect, undoubtedly, will be highest possible.
The Influence of Modern Fashion on Beauty
Unfortunately, today’s fashion in its most varied manifestations practically does not assume the presence of internal beauty. The main direction of the policy of modern fashion – this the beauty external. As a result, of with the naked eye, it is noted the predominance of pseudo-beautiful people. But they in the essence, don’t is are complete the example for society. For instance lets consider the act of women smoking tobacco. This example effectively illustrates how the focus is, on attractiveness while neglecting the importance of inner beauty.
Smoking and the Neglect of Inner Beauty
In spite of it would seem innocents of this fashionable tendency, Smoking tobacco among women is not only considered unusual but also conflicts with the essence of femininity. What's even more concerning is that it poses significant health risks for women. This fact few are aware of the women. The majority of women still believe that holding a cigarette, in their lips makes them more attractive. bIt may appear more appealing, but only on the surface, and solely to those for whom this outer beauty holds no true significance. As a result this fashion trend evolves into a habit that's difficult to give up leaving only the option of dying content without experiencing the transition from youth to old age.
The Degradation of Beauty Among Men
When it comes to beauty
it's not even worth discussing because the prevailing concept of beauty among
men today can be seen as nothing, than a parody. It lacks both beauty. It is
likely, it is the mass degradation all of the beautiful, which may be in fact
in the mans and in the male body. Here are just a few pseudo-beautiful examples
that are in the nature of modern male: the profanity, frequenter of the image
of the prison, alcohol, and drug addiction. This is only a small fraction of
what, men have today in the form of outer beauty. Inner beauty in a strong half
is missing completely.