Augmentation Mammoplasty


Augmentation Mammoplasty

Augmentation mammoplasty which is medically known as the mammoplasty is surgery performed to enhance the shape or size of a women’s breast, this type of surgery is normally done for a number of reasons including personal reasons, to correct a reduction in volume after pregnancy, to balance different sized breasts or reconstruction following breast surgery.

Whom is the surgery Augmentation Mammoplasty suitable for?

This type of surgery is suitable for those who need to improve their shape due to problems of low self-confidence and for reasons such as those described above, the surgery however can also be done purely for cosmetic reasons and some surgeons will do this surgery for cosmetic reasons alone while others insist on there being a medical reason.

How is the augmentation mammoplasty surgery performed?

During the surgery, an implant will be put into place behind each breast and the implant used is made from silicone which is filled with either silicone gel or saline water. However due to safety issues and concerns of the silicone gel based implants these are now only used in those participating in studies, if you have any concerns over the safety of breast augmentation then you should talk these over with the surgeon at the initial consultation.

Are there are any risks from the Augmentation Mammoplasty surgery?

One of the most common problems that can occur as a result of this type of surgery is if the scar or capsule around the implant begins to tighten, when this happens it can lead to the breast feeling hard. A very small number of women have been known to develop an infection around the implant and this usually occurs within a week of having the surgery though it can happen at anytime also.

In severe cases of infection the implant may need to be removed for some months but after that a new one can generally be fitted. Some women have also reported problems with the nipples and these ranges from hypersensitivity, under sensitivity and even numbness, with small patches of numbness occurring near to the incisions also.

On the odd occasions the breast implant has also been known to leak, as mostly saline implants are being used now which are filled with nothing more than harmless salt water, should a leak or rupture occur then water is absorbed harmlessly into the body. When this happens, the implant will deflate over a period of hours. Should you have any fears or concerns over the implants or the type of implant and safety issues then discuss them openly with your surgeon.

The surgery Augmentation Mammoplasty and recovery

This type of surgery is generally performed on an out patient basis and you will be up and about in a few hours after having the surgery done. You will of course as with any surgery, feel tired and sore for a few days afterward but you should be able to return to normal daily activities and work within a few days.

After several months, the scars will begin to fade and lessen although they will never disappear completely. If you are of the age when you attend mammograms, then you should continue with these as discussed by your doctor or surgeon.

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